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For the most part, our estimates are free of charge. In some instances, for example if the job site is further away than 25 miles, we may require an estimate fee. We will always inform you up front if there will be a fee.
Yes, we do. However, we have found that in most cases you can remove the stains yourself with a little guidance from us. Check out our interactive Stain Management App.
We have a beautiful stone and tile care guide that you can download. You’ll find it on our Caring For It page. By the way, feel free to share it with your friends and family.
We absolutely are! We carry all state and local licenses and we also meet all state and local insurance requirements for our business.
As a matter of fact, yes, we are a certified member of the American Bath Group.
Every situation is different, but a lot of times we can get your bathtub crack repair covered by the manufacturer.